We want you to shop with peace of mind so almost everything we sell comes with a guarantee that exceeds the minimum we are required to give by law. Information on the guarantee applicable to each product is on the product page on our website, or in the quote we send to you. For products guaranteed up to 4 years nothing further is required from you – just keep your proof of purchase.

Selected Tagra Premium™ LED tape and drivers come with a 5 year guarantee against defects or failure. This gives you peace of mind to specify Tagra Premium on your jobs secure in the knowledge that it is backed by us – not just our reputation but our money is on the line. For this special 5 year guarantee you must register for the guarantee by completing this form within 30 days of purchase and emailing the completed form to orders@ultraleds.co.uk. If the tape or driver fails within 5 years from being shipped to you simply give us a call to explain. We will either refund you or replace the item (at our option) and we will send you £30 (for tape - per reel, or length supplied by us if less) towards the cost of reinstalling the replacement.
Only the things you would expect are excluded from our guarantees, which are: incorrect installation; use of the wrong voltage or current (e.g. powering 12v tape with a 24v driver or under specifying a driver); exposure to excessive heat, vibration, water (unless correctly IP rated), salt/salty air, or chemicals; or problems caused by accessories/other products not supplied by us. If the item returned to us suggests one of these things has happened we may refuse the claim – but this is rare since our products fail very rarely and we value repeat business over being difficult on claims. We may ask you to send us the affected product back for inspection, at your cost, to check it, learn from errors/failures and to determine if the failure was due to one of the exclusion. But provided we are satisfied an exclusion does not apply – or if we decide to pay the claim anyway -- we refund the postage on top of the £30.