LED tape can transform any space in your home

LED tape can transform any space in your home

Illuminating a neglected room needn’t be costly or difficult, all you need is a little imagination and some LED tape.

When it comes to using LED tape in your home, it doesn’t always have to be for creating an illuminating installation or stunning display piece; LED tape can also be used for more practical purposes too, as a recent DIY project demonstrated.  

When a customer of ours became fed up with scrambling around in his loft space, using a torch to find his way around in the dark, he came to us for a simple, yet effective, solution.

Using LED tape , some elbow grease and a little imagination he was able to transform a previously unused space in his home into a useful storage option for the whole family.

Installing LED tape to the beams of his loft what was once a dark and uninviting part of the house, where few dared to venture into an inviting and ambient addition to the home.

What’s more, our budding ‘Restoration Man’ had no previous electrical experience, proving just how easy our LED tape is to install for even for the most inexperienced of beginners.

So if there’s a room in your home that requires a little TLC with minimum effort and a budget everyone can afford, consider using LED tape.

Products used for this project






Tools Required:

Screw driver / Drill to put the mounting brackets in place.
Scissors to cut the LED tape to the right length.